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Research opportunities for students

Projects and chairs funded by Sentinel North can provide opportunities for master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students to pursue their research projects in a dynamic and innovative transdisciplinary setting.

The list below is updated each new session based on the Sentinel North projects posted on Université Laval's Placement Site (SPLA). We also invite you to consult the Research Projects to identify which project(s) that interest you, and to contact the principal investigators for any information request.




Geomatics, computer science, AI
New Data Mining Methods for Geospatial Big Data

Director : Thierry Badard

A PhD position is available at the Department of Geomatics Sciences of Laval University. During his project, the student will design and develop new software solutions to process and analyse big geospatial data. These solutions will be based on the most recent innovations in big data, artificial intelligence (i.e. machine learning) and data mining techniques.

This PhD project is part of a larger research project funded by the Sentinel North Strategy, itself supported by the federal government's Canada First Research Excellence Fund. The main objective of this research project is to understand how the disruption of ecosystems affects microorganisms in Arctic soils. The project will use a microbial in situ culture system, called Ecochip, for measuring the growth of microorganisms in their natural environment that also enables acquiring and transmitting real-time environmental metadata. The PhD candidate will join the research team responsible for the development of innovative approaches to analyse the huge amount of data stemming from EcoChips, but also from other data sources (winds, temperatures, pollutions, humidity, imagery, etc.). These tools will enable the research team to evaluate the impact of environmental changes in the North and effectively add value to the microorganisms found in these environments, which will greatly improve our understanding of the changes occurring in the Northern environments and their impact on human health.

Position offered as part of QAUJIKKAUT : outil en ligne d’anticipation hâtive des événements météorologiques extrêmes au Nunavik basé sur le réseau SILA de stations de suivi environnemental

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Infectiology, pathogenesis
Characterization of animal models to evaluate different therapeutic options against potentially pandemic and pandemic respiratory viruses

Directrice : Mariana Baz

Dr. Mariana Baz is looking for Masters and PhD students to participate in projects funded by the Sentinel North Research Chair at Université Laval on "Pandemic viruses and antiviral therapies".

Dr. Mariana Baz's laboratory is interested in the molecular mechanisms of adaptation of mammalian or avian viruses to humans as well as in the development of therapeutic strategies against potentially pandemic or pandemic-like viruses such as highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and many others.

Position offered as part of the Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord sur le réseau de surveillance des virus de l’influenza chez les oiseaux migrateurs du Grand Nord

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Infectiology, pathogenesis
Characterization of animal models to evaluate different therapeutic options against potentially pandemic and pandemic respiratory viruses

Directrice : Mariana Baz

Dr. Mariana Baz is looking for Masters and PhD students to participate in projects funded by the Sentinel North Research Chair at Université Laval on "Pandemic viruses and antiviral therapies".

Dr. Mariana Baz's laboratory is interested in the molecular mechanisms of adaptation of mammalian or avian viruses to humans as well as in the development of therapeutic strategies against potentially pandemic or pandemic-like viruses such as highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and many others.

Position offered as part of the Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord sur le réseau de surveillance des virus de l’influenza chez les oiseaux migrateurs du Grand Nord

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