Joint International Research Units
Sentinel North funds Joint International Research Units (JIRUs), associated with Université Laval’s four Canada Excellence Research Chairs, that allow the program to benefit from the work of exceptional teams and consolidate collaborations with leading organizations in the pursuit of its research and technological development objectives.
Takuvik JIRU 
National Centre for Scientific Research, France
Associated with the CERC in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier
Director: Marcel Babin
Québec-Brazil Photonics Research JIRU 
São Paulo State University, Brazil
Associated with the CERC in Photonic Innovations
Director: Younès Messaddeq
JIRU in Child Neural Development and Psychiatry
Lausanne University, Switzerland
Associated with the CERC in Neurophotonics
Director: Pierre Marquet
JIRU for Chemical and Biomolecular Research of the Microbiome and Its Impacts on
Metabolic Health and Nutrition
National Research Council, Italy)
Associated with the CERC in the Microbiome-Endocannabinoidome Axis in Metabolic Health
Director: Vincenzo Di Marzo
Official site
As part of its internationalization strategy, Université Laval has opted to build close relations with a limited number of universities in order to foster stronger synergies.