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Sentinel North Training Fund

Program objectives

The purpose of this fund is to enable graduate students to attend high-level international schools (training workshops, specialized summer/winter masterclasses) whose topics are aligned with Sentinel North's research program. Recognizing the value of such training, Sentinel North wishes through this program to foster the development of a new generation of young scientists able to tackle and help resolve complex northern issues, and encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience across borders.

More specifically, the program aims to encourage students to:

  • Acquire new skills and abilities that help them understand and analyze northern issues and/or master technologies with potential applications in the North
  • Establish international ties and networks by taking advantage of outstanding research opportunities


Available financial support helps offset the cost of short-term training activities (3 days to eight weeks). The maximum amount available per application is $5,000 and will not exceed 80% of the total estimated costs.

Please refer to the specific program terms and conditions for complete details.


Call for applications

Applicants may apply any time during the year. Applications must be submitted at least eight weeks before the requested travel date. They will be examined on a first-come, first-served basis, with scholarships awarded based on the funds available for each internship period.

The budget available for the program is renewed every six months (on April 1 and October 1). We encourage students to submit their applications at the beginning of each period to maximize their odds of obtaining a scholarship.

The Training Fund will support participation to short-term trainings taking place before July 31, 2025. Applications for training taking place after this date will not be considered.
  • Eligibility criteria

    Applicants must meet all the following conditions to be eligible for the program:

    • Be registered full time in a Master's or Ph.D. program at Université Laval
    • Propose a high-level training course whose objectives are in line with Sentinel North's research program
    • Propose a training activity lasting at least 3 days to a maximum of eight consecutive weeks
    • Have financial support in addition to Sentinel North's "Training Fund" to cover remaining expenses (20%)


    To remain eligible for funding during their training, applicants must maintain full-time student status in their graduate studies program at Université Laval.

    Host institutions

    Eligible host institutions may be universities, interuniversity research centers, international or national research institutes or laboratories, or other institutions that actively carry out research.

  • Application procedure

    The following documents must be included with the application:

    • The scholarship application form, duly completed
    • The applicant's resumé (up to two pages)
    • A copy of the university transcripts of the applicant
    • A letter of recommendation from the UL supervisor or co-supervisor justifying the relevance and added value of the proposed training activity to applicant's academic progress and/or the acquisition of new skills
    • Proof of co-funding for the training activity (letter from applicant's supervisor, award letter for additional funding, student's own contribution, etc.)
    • Proof of registration or an acceptance letter to take part in the training activity from the host institution
    • Detailed description of the training activity, including the names of scheduled speakers and hands-on activities


    Applications and all required documents must be sent in one email to

  • Application evaluation

    Applications are assessed and judged by the Sentinel North evaluation committee according to the evaluation criteria and weighting process. Only projects that are part of Sentinel North's research program and that are supported by the student's research director will be considered.

    Indicators by evaluation criteria

    Quality of applicant's academic record and aptitude for research (30 points)

    • Cumulative grade point averages
    • Applicant's experience and achievements

    Overall quality of the training activity proposal (70 points)

    • Relevance of the training activity in relation to Sentinel North's research program
    • Added value of the proposed internship in relation to applicant's current graduate degree studies (link and expected benefits)
    • Quality of the proposed activity (importance of the proposed study program, reputation of the host institution, student/professor ratio, reputation of the professors, or other similar criteria established by the committee)
    • Quality of the logistics and experience offered (e.g., quality of the host field station or laboratory, uniqueness of the opportunity, cultural context, participation of partners from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors, or any other similar criteria established by the committee)
    • Active participation of students in the training activity (e.g., student presentations and reports)
    • International nature of the proposed activity

    Announcement of the results

    Applicants will receive an email informing them of the evaluation committee's decision within four weeks of receipt of their application.

    Applicants must accept or decline the scholarship within ten (10) business days of receipt of the notice of award by sending an email to If acceptance is not received within this time limit, applicants will be deemed to have declined the scholarship.

    Sentinel North's decisions are final and binding.

  • Specific program terms and conditions

    Validity period of financial support

    • Financial support offered is valid only for the period covering the training activity. If a student decides to begin their stay before the evaluation committee announces its results, Sentinel North will not be responsible for expenses incurred if the student's application is deemed inadmissible or for any expenses incurred before the date of award.
    • A funded training activity must be completed before initial submission of a Master's or Ph.D. thesis.

    Budgetary aspects

    • The maximum financial support available per application is $5,000. The amount awarded will be based on the applicant's proposed budget (which will be reviewed by the evaluation committee) and will not exceed 80% of the total estimated costs. Students must receive support from their supervisors or other sources to cover the remaining costs (20%). Agreement to such support is acknowledged by the letter of recommendation from the Director attesting taking charge of costs or by an award letter for additional funding.
    • Eligible expenses include transportation, living expenses abroad (accommodation and meals), health insurance abroad covering the training period, registration for the training activity, and any other costs directly related to the training activity. Living expenses are calculated based on Université Laval standards (website in French only). Applicants are required to keep expenses to a minimum, e.g., by reserving their airline tickets early in economy class and choosing reasonably priced accommodations. In all cases, applicants must ensure in advance that the expenses for which they request financial support are reimbursed in accordance with university standards.

    Required documents

    • Formal proof of registration issued by the host institution is required before the student can travel to the training location.
    • Support is offered on the condition that students provide proof of health and hospital insurance for the duration of their stay and obtain the legal documents required for travel (visa, work permit, etc.), where applicable. Obtaining such documents is the sole responsibility of students. Scholarship payments will not be authorized without proof that the required legal documents have been obtained.

    Travel advances and the terms and conditions of reimbursement of travel expenses

    • The funds will be transferred to a project managed by the administrative unit of the research supervisor.
    • Financial support offered by Sentinel North to cover 80% of training participation costs will be paid in two instalments.
    • Students will receive a travel advance representing 80% of the financial support offered by Sentinel North at least 30 days before their departure and upon receipt of the required documents.
    • Upon return, the applicant is required to complete an expense report to request payment of the remaining amount owing. The actual amount allocated will be determined according to the expenses presented (with supporting documents) in the expense report, up to the predetermined maximum amount.
    • Unused funds will be returned to Sentinel North.

    Expected activity report

    • At the end of an internship, the scholarship holder will have to produce a maximum two-page report on their training experience describing the training received, and how it has contributed to their research and career plan. The texts produced may be published in whole or in part on the Sentinel North website.


    • Students registered in a co-supervised program with a foreign university may not take advantage of this program to travel to or stay at either of their home universities.
    • Students are eligible to receive only one financial award from the Access Fund for Short-term International Training per degree program.

    Further details on the procedure for awarding scholarships

    The selection criteria are subject to change. In such cases, modifications will be duly posted on the website.

For more information, please contact:


Sentinel North Training Fund