Advanced Field School on Arctic Sea Ice : Tracking Changes Across Scales
April 9-18, 2025, Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, Canada
Under the leadership of the Sentinel North program of Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada) and the UAK international initiative, this advanced field school on sea ice provides students with a unique opportunity to interact with high-profile scientists as part of a transdisciplinary and cutting-edge training program. This school will help participants to develop a better understanding of the changes of sea ice in the Canadian Arctic, from microstructures to icy landscapes, and its cascading impact on ecosystems, northern communities and worldwide climates.
Hosted at the Qikiqtarjuaq Research Station (Nunavut, Canada) (67° 33′ N, 64° 01′ W), this field school will provide participants with an integrative experience with a wide range of disciplines such as optics-photonics, Arctic marine biology and ecology, marine physics, biochemistry and remote sensing. The school activities will be conducted as part of an actual ocean research program, under the supervision of renowned researchers and experimented professionals. Exchange with Inuit community members will allow students to acknowledge the richness of traditional knowledge while acquiring a better understanding of the Inuit perspective on sea ice and how northern communities are confronted to issues arising from climate variability and change.
Applications will be accepted until January 20, 2025.
Who is it for?
Up to 16 international graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in natural sciences (biology, chemistry, geography, etc.) having a keen interest in the school theme will be selected.
Note: Due to the conditions of field work in the Arctic environment, all applicants should be in good physical condition.